Thursday, May 15, 2014

The miraculous Waterfall in Haiti Where People Bath naked For Healing (18+)


Every year in summer thousands of pilgrims from all over Haiti make a religious journey to the village of Ville Bonheur and the sacred Waters of Saut d’Eau waterfall, located near Mirebalais and 60 miles north of Port au Prince, a main pilgrimage site in Haiti since 1847.

It is believed that 150 years ago, Erzulie the goddess of love and beauty, camouflaged in the spirit of Virgin Mary of miracles has appeared on a palm tree close to the waterfall, a French priest, afraid of the superstition this would inspire, cut the tree down, but it nonetheless became an important religious destination for Haitians. Viewers discretion advised!
The sick and the needy let the water of the falls wash over them as they perform various rituals of Voodoo in a religious festival that lasts for three days.




