Saturday, June 7, 2014

Why Divorced Men Are Best To Date (and marry)


If you're looking for a real, substantive, long-term relationship with a man who gets it, gets you, and is ready to commit, dating a divorced man is ideal.

Yes- he understands and isn't afraid of commitment, because he has had one. He understands that marriage takes effort and compromise.

Even if he didn't put in the effort while married, the fact that it failed may have made him realize that next time around… probably a good idea to make a few changes in order to make it work this time. He also is more aware of what he needs as opposed to just what he wants. He is more evolved and "grown up."

A divorce can rough you up a bit and seriously reality check you. True change only comes when you have been shaken to the core, and divorce can be that needed core shaker that makes a man make real change.

Those are the pretty basic reasons why a divorced guy is best. Here are 5 more reasons that may surprise you:

1. He failed! He may have made some mistakes in his last marriage. And if he has taken the time to be at all introspective, he's aware of his personal failings, has done his work and is ready to make it right and have a take two with his next wife… and maybe kids.

2. He has baggage! He may have been hurt and has a bit of baggage- which is a great thing! A man who has been hurt knows what it feels like, and is therefore often more aware of your feelings and cautious with your heart.

3. He has been broken down! Divorced men understand what it's like to be in a committed relationship within which there are compromises and accommodations. His resistance has already been broken down by another woman so that you don't have to endure the push back yourself.

4. He uses his words. Divorced men tend to be better communicators. There is a decent chance that he went to therapy during his marriage, if not after, and he has become fairly proficient at communicating needs and feelings more clearly.

5. He's been broken in! Another thing about divorced men that you might not want to think about but will happily benefit from? They just "get" you. That's because they've been with more women, or at least one woman for an extended period of time, and dealt with more attitudes, moods, issues, and emotions. With experience often comes understanding. In other words, he has already been broken in.
