Thursday, April 17, 2014

Pix Leaks: Pastor's Girlfriend Exposed online, She's A Prostituté



Rough things are happening in Nigeria. This time it is a big girl that decided to expose her friend for snatching her lover, a Pastor, from her. According to the story, the ladies are from Owerri and they lived together, doing dirty runs to make money until the pastor (name withheld) met one of them and started a relationship.
When the pastor met the second lady, identified as Ngozi, he kind of love her more than the first girl because she is "well endowed" in the front area. But the pastor didn't know they are friends. He just left the first girl and now he wants to marry Ngozi. The friend got mad and exposed Ngozi. See things below...

If you are a young person, please don't click the LINKS:

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
